Wellness Resources

These are a few of our favorite wellness resources that can support and enhance the quality of your life. We update these regularly, so please check back to see if there are new resources that meet your needs.
Dr. Heather’s Model of Practice
Dr. Donald Epstein, founder of Network Spinal Analysis
Natural Healing Resources
Natural Vision improvement
Balancing and Releasing Physical Stress
12 exercise 7 minute
High intensity interval training workout: only requires a chair... no excuses!
Perform each exercise in order for 30 seconds and rest for 10-15 seconds in between. If you are just starting out, are recovering from an injury or are out of shape, proceed at your own pace and you may take a few months to build up to the full program. only do 3 times per week with day of rest in between.
- These are the exercises
- Here is a video pacing you through them
- This is a more in depth article about it
Sitting strategies
This article has a great set of brief exercises to do during sitting breaks to keep you healthy even in sedentary circumstances.
Here is a link to a program to set up a timer on your computer for every 10-15 minutes to remind you to then do the above exercises.
Ergonomic Device Stands: The iPad has a major failing - ergonomics. It is only natural to hold it in your hands. For me it doesn't matter if I am sitting or reclined in bed my neck is strained forwards and down. Until now!
Screen lighting App: This is a fantastic free app that will dim the lighting on your computer to match the change in real time daylight right where you are to help you stay in sync with the rhythms of nature.
Dr. Eric Goodman’s Foundation Training Exercises:
- First master this basic exercise
- Then learn this one
- Check out this one for a Foundation Training Decompression Breathing Tutorial and this one for a Foundation Anchoring Tutorial
- Before going into the advanced workout please review this video on common mistakes to make sure your form is right.
- When you have really mastered the above, are pain free and are feeling strong you can try this 12 minute workout
Esther Gokhale is the creator of what I call the ‘Tush-Pull-Sit’ and the ‘inner corset’:
This is a link to an article about Active Isolated Stretching
It is a wonderful tool for self-care when experiencing a lack of flexibility anywhere. There are also great videos on youtube demonstrating how to do AIS for particular joints.
Total Motion Release
This is a great exercise approach that helps release restrictions in joints. It is very counterintuitive because it has you working on the opposite side than you would expect, but it is working at the brain level which is why it works like a charm. This article will give you an overview, then you can do a search for a video of the joint or area you wish to address and learn how to do it yourself.
Jetlag Acupressure points
If you are planning to cross any time zones in an upcoming trip, use these points to minimize the effects of jet lag:
Balancing and Releasing Chemical/Environmental Stress
List of the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen, foods with most and least pesticides/toxins:
Weston A. Price Foundation: http://www.westonaprice.org/
Vitamin D info and at home testing
Dangers of microwaving food
Chocoholics Anonymous Workshop
Natural Dental care to prevent and reverse dental challenges. After working with a local holistic dentist for 15 years to safely remove the mercury amalgams I had from childhood and get regular checkups for my family, I was still having some challenges that weren’t getting better. Then 5 years ago, I began working with Will and Susan and their OraWellness system and I was able to turn things around myself so now our checkups are the best they have ever been. You can learn how to not just prevent dental problems but actually reverse them. Check it out by clicking here!
Free Tick testing
If you encounter a tick, you can have it tested for free by sending it here.
Balancing and Releasing Emotional Stress
Quizzes to rate and monitor your happiness quotient
Emotional Freedom Technique/ Tapping
- https://www.thetappingsolution.com/
- https://www.wellspringcls.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/eft-tapping-procedure.pdf
This is a link to Dr. Lois Laynee's Restorative Breathing Method to show you ten steps to wake up your cranial nerves, flip the switches in your brain and nervous system, and get more clarity and focus
Children’s Health
Wellness Parenting Magazine
Vaccination Resources
- National Vaccine Information Center
- Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice
- Protocol for minimizing toxic reactions to vaccinations
- Vaccine exemptions
- http://radio.naturalnews.com/KnowYourRights/MP3/KnowYourRightsHour-2012-08-15-Vaccinations-Exemptions-CA-AB2109.mp3
Example of reference for religious exemptions for Waldorf families: Click Here
Although we have lost the philosophical exemption in Vermont, other states still have it. If you are in a state that still has it, do everything you can to hold onto it and consider using the following when you use it. Look closely at the language of any form that requires you to sign an agreement that you disagree with. Consider using an attachment to the waiver to be able to sign something that is true for you. Consider crossing out anything you do not agree with on the state’s form and attaching this document to it. CLICK HERE FOR THE REFUSAL OF RECOMMENDED VACCINE FORM. Also consider consulting with an attorney about any form you file.
Local Resources
- Raw milk and biodynamic food
- Burlington Earthclock
- Waldorf Education
- Healthy Children’s audio stories
- Vermont Right to Know GMOs
- TED talks, What is wrong with our food system?
- Welcome to planet earth
- Peace inspiring art and poetry
Life Changing Experiences
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 12:20pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Wellspring Chiropractic Lifestyle Center
4076 Shelburne Road #5
Shelburne, VT 05482
(802) 985-9850